Review: Glam Polish – Lucky

Hello lovelies!  Today I will be reviewing Glam Polish in Lucky.  As far as I can tell, this is a discontinued polish as it is no longer listed on the Glam Polish shop.  I won this polish through The Mercurial Magpie‘s Blogiversary giveaway along with ILNP’s Bad Mogwai – another discontinued polish.

Bottle Label







Lucky is truly a beautiful polish in the bottle.  It is a turquoise crelly base with turquoise, green, gold, and some holo glitters.  The holo glitters are big circles.

Thumb Macro Bottle Macro








I was not able to show the big circle holo glitters in either macro shot.  They were extremely hard to get on the brush, I think I only wound up with two on one hand.

Layers Mani








As you can see, this polish required quite a bit of buildup to be opaque.  I’ve shown several three-coat polishes, but this one just doesn’t measure up with the others.  I think I would have liked it better if it was a true jelly base and not a crelly.  As you can see, if you get a big circle holo on the first or second coat, it gets covered up with the next coat and you loose the holo effect.

I was really disappointed with this polish.  I had seen some gorgeous swatches, but I just could not get the look with my bottle.  Forgetting about the glitter, application was great; however, the glitter was very finicky to apply and you can almost forget about the holo glitters without a ton of fishing.  I would like to see if some Glitter Food by Nail Pattern Boldness would help this one.  Overall, I give this polish a 1 out of 5.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, all!

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